April 19, 2009

Back to it

Well, I am home now and it has taken me a full week to feel like myself again (get myself sorted/get things organized, catch up on sleep and get back into my regular schedule). One thing I realized after taking 2 weeks off is that: I have a very busy life! My schedule is always full and I never have a down time moment to spare! I am not complaining though, as for those of you who know me well, know that when I do have "down time" I end up trying to fill it anyway! So in any event, I am very happy to be home! I had a wonderful trip and I really loved it but, I missed my regular life.

On the bike front, it still has not arrived!!!!! I a crossing my fingers for tomorrow or Tuesday! Today I borrowed Ang's bike (we are the same size and her bike is exactly like the one I am getting) and went for a 2 hour ride with Ken and Phil. We headed out early enough that we only saw 1 other cyclist on our route. Afterwards, I attempted a brick run which I have not done in about 3 months due to my injury - let's just say it was less than spectacular. But, it takes time to come back after an injury and I know that; however patience is not something I have. Not much I can do though but stay positive; at least I am running again - even though it is slow. I do know though if I stay calm and keep at it, it will come.

Well, lots of work to do (swim planning, athlete programs, clinic planning, etc).

When my bike does come in, I will post pictures. Fingers crossed it comes this week!

1 comment:

Tina said...

As I am living triathlon life vicariously through you, I can't wait to read about your new bike and see pictures!!!